facebook Guide To Core Web Vitals: New Google Ranking Factor

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How Google's Core Web Vitals Impact On SEO?

The set of specific factors that are considered important by Google in the overall user experience of the webpage is called Core Web Vitals. These are made up of three specific user interaction and page speed measurements, and they are 

  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

You can even say that Core Web Vital is the subset factor of Google's page experience score that is sizing up the overall UX of your page. To find the Core Web Vitals data of a site, visit the enhancements section of the Google Search Console account.

Importance of Core Web Vitals

You will be amazed to know Google planned to make the page experience the official ranking factor. Alongside page experience, Google considers other factors like HTTPS, mobile-friendliness, safe browsing and lack of interstitial pop-ups also for the user experience. Moreover, Core Web Vitals will be very important for the score of user experience of any page.

It will be fair to say that the Core Web Vitals is going to make the biggest contribution to the score of the page experience. You should also understand that if your website has a good page experience score, then it doesn't mean you’re amazing website will be pushed to the number one spot in Google. In fact, it is one of the many factors that are used for ranking the sites. So, if you want to improve your page UX score then it's great and for that, you have to enhance the Core Web Vitals score of your page. Go through this guide to know more about three Core Web Vitals and how you can improve them.

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

LCP is the factor which measures the time it takes to load the page for the actual user to view. In simple words, it is the time from clicking on the page link to the point where the majority of the content is loaded on the screen. LCP is different from the page speed measurement like First Contextual Paint and TTFB. LCP mainly focuses primarily on what is visible on the screen and interacts with the page. For checking the LCP score, you need to use the Google PageSpeed Insights, where it will show areas for improvement and will show how your page will perform in the real world.

You can use the LCP data on your entire website, so instead of analyzing random pages of the website one by one, you will get the list of good, bad URLs and other things. There are specific LCP guidelines which are broken down into Good, Needs Improvement and Poor. If the LCP of the page hit 2.5 seconds or less, then it is good. If LCP is more than 2.5 second and less than 4.2 seconds, then it needs improvement and above that it's poor.

Improving LCP is not as simple as it seems as it requires a lot of hard work, but here are a few things that you can do to improve the website LCP:

  • Remove all the unnecessary third-party scripts as it can slow down the page.
  • You need to upgrade the web hosting as better hosting means faster overall load time.
  • Set the lazy loading in the page, which means images will be loaded when someone scrolls down your page that eventually will help you achieve faster LCP.
  • Remove any large page elements that can slow down your page's LCP.
  • Lessen the bulky CSS which are delaying the LCP.

First Input Delay (FID)

Once your page has achieved FCP, you need to answer one question: whether users can interact with your page or not? FID measures the time it is taken by the user to interact with your page and the interaction included in this are:

  • Choose an option from a Menu
  • Click on the site navigation link
  • Enter the email in the field
  • Open the accordion text on the Smartphone.

FID is essential because Google takes into account how users interact with the websites. The time that is taken for something to happen to your page is measured technically by FID. It may feel like it is the page speed score, but it goes beyond that because it measures the time users take for actually doing something on your page. FID is a huge thing for the login and sign up or any other page where the user has to click on something. You can improve the FID score of your site in the following ways:

  • Minimize the JavaScript of your page as it will be crucial for FID.
  • Remove the non-critical third-party scripts like heatmaps, Google Analytics etc. as it can impact FID negatively.
  • Try using the browser cache as it will help in loading the content of the page faster.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

How stable the page is after its loads are called a Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). If any element on your page moves around when the page is loading, then it will have high CLS which will be bad for your page. Everyone wants that the page element remains stable once your page has been loaded up, that way the user doesn't have to look again into your page.

You can do a few things for minimizing the CLS of your page:

  • You need to use any media be it video, GIFs, infographics and images of the set size so that the browser will know how much size the element will take up on that page.
  • Ensure that there is reserved space for the ads element as you will not want ads to push down the content on the page.
  • Also, add a new UI element in its specific place so that users know where it is.

In simple words, you can say that Core Web Vitals is trying to quantify the user experience. So, it can be said, the better the UX of your page is better will be the page experience score.
