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How To Get Blog Post On Google News?

How to get the Blog on Google News India?

Do you want the blog posts of your website listed on Google News?

You can get hundreds of thousands of clicks to your website from Google News. As Google continues to dominate the Search Engine market share, website owners continuously add new ways to drive more organic traffic to their websites.

Getting your website listed in Google News is a fantastic way to capture views and attention to your blog posts. Digital content marketers and smart bloggers are already diving into this huge resource for targeted audiences and better search engine visibility.

A Brief About Google News

Google News is a source of breaking news headlines and personalized news stories based on your interests and likes. Google News presents a continuous flow of links to articles from hundreds of thousands of publishers and magazines.

As the algorithm powers Google News, it has become a powerful new tool. The system prefers news websites that contain relevant information on trending topics along with news credibility, trustworthiness, and authority.

Google News not only shows the big media websites, it consistently focuses on featuring smaller blogs and content websites with relevant and qualitative content. That's the gap where you can come in and take advantage.

Why Should You Get Your Website Listed on Google News?

Submit the Website to Google News India.

There are an estimated 280 million users of Google News across the globe. By providing the right and relevant content, you can present your website in front of thousands of people every day. Even some websites solely depend on Google News for driving organic traffic, which is the power of Google News.

You are presenting your content in front of the right audience at the right time through Google News. Users at Google News find the content based on their interests, and you will attract more relevant traffic to your business.

Besides, getting your website listed on Google News positively impacts your WordPress SEO. More websites will grab your content as a source that additionally provides backlinks. Consequently, your website will also start getting organic traffic from secondary keywords.

By Using The Google News Application, Users Can:

  • Stay updated with the global and latest news, upcoming events, and different types of information from various sources.
  • Bookmarking or sharing news articles.
  • Subscribing to specific news providers and topics.
  • Personalized content under the "For You" section.

Benefits Of Getting Your Website Listed On Google News

  • Increasing quality backlinks of your website.
  • Driving more organic traffic.
  • Fast indexing of new webpages.
  • Brand value.
  • Better SEO results.

Tips To Get Blog Posts Listed On Google News

Let's discuss some helpful tips you must follow to get your website listed in Google News.

#1 Create A Google News Sitemap

Every website must have an XML Sitemap. An XML sitemap acts as a roadmap of your website that helps Google to crawl important pages of your website. It is a file that lists the essential pages of a website so that Google can easily crawl them.

Tip: You must create a news-specific sitemap to get your website listed on Google News.

Similar to the XML sitemap that highlights every page of your website, you must also create a sitemap that only shows the latest articles. It will help you highlight your website's most relevant and latest information so that Google knows what to feature.

Google News sitemap is not the same as the "Standard" Google search engine sitemap. If you want to submit your website to Google News, you must create a sitemap.

#2 Add Niche Specific Content

Those websites that serve a specific audience get a better chance to get listed on Google News than websites covering a wide range of different topics. Google news easily accepts new websites as compared to the company's blog section or commercial websites with a news section.

You must give access to Google News bots only to the news section, and it would be best if you could have a new website on a different domain, as the chances of getting crawled are higher.

Apart from that, when submitting a website through a news publisher, it is best to define the source labels for your content. These source labels will help the users find the information they want.

#3 Add Short, Simple And Descriptive URLs

The shorter and clear you keep the URL, the more advantageous it will be for your Google News. A good URL is an appealing signal for potential visitors to know what the web page is all about and adds clarity to your web page. Keeping the URLs shorter and descriptive makes them user-friendly and easier to share.

An unreadable URL decreases the chances of a blog post getting featured in Google News. Each URL of your blog has to be permanent and fixed so that it cannot be changed listing on Google News. If the URL changes, it may create problems in indexing the blogs in Google News, and your blog may not get displayed in that section.

Additionally, the URLs must be unique, and if the multiple blogs of your website have similar URLs, then it may not get listed in Google News.

#4 Implement Google News Guidelines

Google News has its own set of guidelines and rules. Now, if you want a blog post listed on Google news, you must remember or implement these guidelines. Now, the different types of guidelines that you must remember are as follows;

a) General Content Guidelines

The general content guidelines of Google News are about ensuring the quality of content. To implement the general guidelines, you must pay attention to:

i) Content type, i.e., must be relevant and useful.

ii) Unique and readable, i.e., content must be unique and easy to read.

iii) Trustworthy, i.e. content must offer a clear opinion depending on the expertise and reliable information.

b) Technical Guidelines

Google News works on an algorithm to discover and process your content. It indicates that several technical elements need to be in place for Google to process the content accordingly.

The main advantage of these technical guidelines is that technical elements are already in place, as you have already set up the Google News publisher account. For technical guidelines, you need to ensure the below-mentioned points:

Optimized the URLs and description of a post.

The internal and external links must have correct anchor text.

Content is provided in the form of HTML (no pdf or JavaScript).

c) Qualitative Guidelines

Google News only wants to show qualitative content to its users, and quality is present in every aspect of Google's ethos. If you are unsure about the quality guidelines, you can click here to check the quality guidelines.

You must compare your content objectively with top-ranking sites on the same topics. You must ensure that the content exceeds the basic requirements, i.e., depth, variation, opinion, expertise, trust, and stats.

In most cases, content must be industry-specific and company-neutral so that it will not be based on marketing or PR.

Look at your content and think – Would a trusted website publish this content?

Understanding these questions will help you to keep on track with matching the quality guidelines.

#5 Build Authority With Your Blog

Getting authority in a particular industry makes your content more valuable. If your website's blogs are the main source of information on a specific topic, you can be an influencer. You have to create authority with your blog.

Other websites will view your web pages for reference, and other publishers will interview you in the form of industry experts. Similarly, as reputed websites rank better in SERPs, Google News welcomes them.

Establishing authority with your blog takes a lot of work. The more backlinks your website gets from authoritative websites, the more chances your website will get to appear in the search results or history.

#6 Create Newsworthy Content

Is your content newsworthy? Breaking news falls under the umbrella of one of the main features of newsworthiness.

Newsworthy content is focused on these factors:

  • Time
  • Content-specific
  • Related to the target audience
  • Includes data and facts
  • Content has to be original and plagiarism free

Newsworthy content automatically stands out from a bunch of news, offering more accurate data about a topic or story your target audience would be interested in.

As a good Google News producer, you must create a solid process or blueprint through which you can consistently publish quality and newsworthy content.

#7 High Readability

You must keep updating your website content frequently. The content added to the blog has to be unique and relevant. However, content readability is a major factor determining the quality of a blog.

Experienced editors or website owners will only publish good quality content with grammar and spelling mistakes. Google News staff manually checks the quality of content before making the final decision. They also check the website's usability to determine whether it is reader-oriented or not.

For example, you must distract ads on your blog, focus on the core content, and limit the number of PR articles.

#8 Optimize Webpages

A well-structured SEO tactic applies to Google News as well. The main part of getting into Google News is helping the algorithm understand your blog. You might be treating on-page SEO techniques as a way of helping Google to understand the website and pages, which results in a better rank on SERPs.

Some of the important factors for Google News content are as follows:

  • Well-structured content with proper headings and sub-headings.
  • Short, simple, and descriptive URLs.
  • Unique and relevant content.
  • Optimized blog title and meta description.
  • Fast loading speed.
  • Internal linking.

It is not a mandatory rule that the news story has to be super long. Normally, a 1000-word story is sufficient enough to create a high-quality blog that gets featured in Google News.

#9 Create Keyword Rich Headlines That Reflect A Story

If you want to improve the chances of your blog posts being picked by Google News, you must write simple and catchy blog titles and headlines. News stories covering familiar words reflect what your readers will learn, and clickbait headlines will be picked up more frequently.

Here are some tips that you can implement for writing some newsworthy headlines for your blog posts:

a) Add a primary keyword in the title and headline.

b) Avoid repeating the same words in the headline: Don't repeat the same keyword multiple times in the headline.

c) Write content in the present tense: A news story about what is happening now. Even if your post covers an event that happened in the past, you must relate that event to the present, which will become more relevant to the readers.

d) Avoid using passive voice: A sentence in a passive voice is always longer and needs to explain what's happening clearly. That's why you must write the entire content in an active voice.

e) Capitalize the right words in headlines: Google News displays headlines in two different forms of capitalization rules, i.e., title case and first word, plus proper noun capitalization. It does not matter which rule you use, but you must consistently use it.

Long Story Short

As demonstrated above, we have covered nine important tips that can help increase the chances of your website and blog section being listed on Google News. Remember, your news story can end up in different places. Therefore, you can be in a relaxed mood while working on getting a blog post listed on Google News. To retain the readers and drive more organic traffic to your website, you must create content that keeps the readers engaged till the end of the blog.

Do you want to outsource high-quality content writing services? We at Advology Solution are a team of experienced content writers keen on high-quality blog posts that get listed on Google News quickly. You can reach out to our team if you also want to get your website's blogs listed on Google News. Connect now with our team to avail high-quality content writing services.

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